The 2024 Atlantic Theological Conference

The Mystery of the Incarnation

All papers will be delivered at St. George’s Round Church, 2222 Brunswick Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Please note that all times listed below in the Conference schedule are in Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT)

Conference Schedule

  • 5:30pm
    - Sung Evensong (In the Round Church)

    6:00pm - Barbecue on the lawn (weather permitting) to welcome attendees to the Conference.

  • 8:00am - Mattins & Holy Communion

    10:00am - First Paper

    The Rev’d Dr. John Behr - Title TBA

    Response - David Sheppard

    1:30pm - 2nd Paper

    Neil Robertson - “The Incarnation in St Augustine’s Confessions

    Response - Amy bird

    5:30pm - Evensong

    7:30pm - Third Paper

    Michelle Wilband - “Incarnation and Image: St. John of Damascus and the Theology of the Icon”

    Response - Nathan McAllister

    Reception to follow

  • 10:00am
    - Fourth Paper

    The Rev’d Dr. David Curry - “‘The Abridgement of Christ’s Story’: Passion and Incarnation in John Donne and Lancelot Andrewes”

    Response - Dr. Marilyn Orr

    2:30pm Seminar Book Study with Fr. John Behr on Athanasius’ De Incarnatione

    7:00pm - Conference Eucharist (Choral)

    Celebrant - Father Nicholas Hatt
    Preacher - Archdeacon John Matheson

    Reception to follow

  • 10:00am -
    Fifth Paper

    Dr. Benjamin MacDonald - “Portraits of Jesus: Donald MacKinnon and Descriptive Metaphysics

    Conference Summary - Father Thomas Curran

    Panel Discussion with all Presenters

    The Conference will conclude at around noon.




2222 Brunswick Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia