The 2022 Atlantic Theological Conference:

Plague, Perseverance, Providence

Please refer to the links below, to access videos / recordings of the papers presented at the 2022 Atlantic Theological Conference

Please note all videos are hosted on “YouTube” and are publicly accessible

Since videos were prepared using “Zoom” presentation recordings the audio and video quality is not ‘exceptional’ but should be sufficient for reasonable review of the material.

Sunday, June 26th


Monday, June 27th


Evensong - 6:30pm

Guest Preacher: The Most Rev’d David Edwards, Archbishop of Fredericton

Reception to follow at St. Paul’s Parish Hall, Sackville.


Tuesday, June 28th

Third Paper - 10am

Illness and Repentance: The Prayer Book Response to Affliction

- The Rev’d Dr. Gary Thorne, Ph.D (Durham), Chaplain, Huron University Chapel, London, Ontario.

Response: Dr. Neil Robertson, Ph.D (Cantab), Associate Professor of Humanities, University of King’s College, Halifax.

Book Club Discussion Group - 2:30pm

The book club book this year is The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny.
The discussion will be led by the Rev’d David Curry, Chaplain and Teacher at King’s-Edgehill School, and Rector of Christ Church, Windsor, Nova Scotia.

Literary works at their best engage us with the ethical questions that concern the deepest features of our humanity in all of its complexity. Louise Penny’s novel The Madness of Crowds (2021) wrestles with eugenics, with mercy killing (as medical assistance in dying), with the hidden evils of the complicity of government and academia in matters of torture undertaken in the name of science, with the power of social media, with the global forms of radical injustice and suffering, and all in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and especially its effects on the most vulnerable. This year’s Atlantic Theological Conference book study provides a way to think about the conference theme by an afternoon session that looks at the novel by way of reference to other literary works such as Edgar Allan Poe’s "The Masque of the Red Death" and a sonnet by John Donne. Fr. David Curry

Conference Eucharist - 6pm

Choral Eucharist at St. Anne’s, Westcock
Celebrant & Preacher - Fr. Craig O’Brien
The Eucharist will be followed by a sit-down meal at St. Anne’s Parish Hall

Wednesday, June 29th

Fifth Paper - 10am

The Contemporary Situation and Grounds for Hope

- Judith Moses, Member of the Delaware Nation & Deputy Prolocutor of General Synod

Following the Fifth Paper

The Conference Summary is given by Amy Bird